Monday, November 30, 2009

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Friday, October 23, 2009

"Family Ties"- Gender Swap Assignment With Older Photo

This is actually an old photograph of my grandfather that I never got a chance to meet. It was kind of interesting to morph us together because I discovered that we both share a lot of the same facial features.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

"I'm just trying to make a dollar!" - Street Photography

For this project, I just wanted to take pictures of people who make their living by working on the street everyday. I tried to capture a variety of ways that people earn a living on the street, and by doing this assignment, I learned that I'm not very comfortable taking pictures of random people that I don't know. For one, you tend to get evil looks from them. Overall, I think my subjects tend to be more interesting than the actual composition of my photos here, but I like them none the less.

Monday, September 28, 2009


I really loved the bright colors in the photo with the pumpkins. The second photo was taken when it was really warm out and the coolness of the water falling created a nice contrast. I thought that the vines in the third photograph created interesting lines and actually helped to frame the subject. In the fourth photo, I just like the tranquility of the whole scene and how contemplative it is. All of the photos were taken on the portrait setting with the highest clarity possible.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Same Landscape- a little photoshop

I decided to take out the powerlines.